Saturday, January 24, 2015

Wow, there is a dose of perspective for you!

This is a great reminder to check in with yourself. 

Confession: I tend to over-think, over-analyze, worry, and live in my head a little too much. It's often hard for me to be present.

It's so important to remember to stay out of your own way though. 

Not everything requires thinking to the nth degree; sometimes it's best to just do it (thanks, Nike).

To bring myself back to centeredness, I like to exercise, meditate, pray, write, dance, or go for a walk in nature.

It's also nice to stop what you are doing. Take a deep breath, put your hand over your beating heart, and just listen. Listen to your intuition, connect with yourself, and feel what's within. 
You know more than you realize if you let yourself hear your truth.

Take a second to acknowledge yourself and your feelings and then move on.

When you get out of your own way, you make room for greater things to come into your life. Welcome that. How can you help yourself today?

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